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Parents and Kid PsyChakra™ Bracelets are for the families that want to not only match physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. We tend to forget that our children are spiritually gifted and have emotions that need balance as well. Bless your entire family with PsyChakra™ Bracelets!


PsyChakra™ Crown Bracelet is hand-made with amethyst and selenite. Amethyst is linked to spiritual awareness. The mental health benefits are dispelling anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Selenite is linked to your soul's purpose. The mental health benefits are stabilizing erratic emotions and calming the mind. PsyChakra™ Crown bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide spiritual awareness and clarity on your soul purpose for the highest good of all.


PsyChakra™ Third Eye Bracelet is hand-made with lapis lazuli and obsidian. Lapis lazuli is linked to facilitating your spiritual journey and stimulating your spiritual power and intuition. The mental health benefits are dispelling depression and emotional bondage. Obsidian is linked to exposing what needs to come to light. The mental health benefits are healing festering emotions and trauma. PsyChakra™ Third Eye bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide clear intuition for the highest good of all and healing on any negative energy or trauma that doesn’t serve you.


PsyChakra™ Throat Bracelet is hand-made with sodalite and angelite. Sodalite is linked to facilitating balance, truth and intuitive perception. The mental health benefits are dispelling mental confusion, panic attacks and intellectual bondage. Angelite is linked to communicating and living in your truth. The mental health benefits are self-expression and confidence in speaking your thoughts. PsyChakra™ Throat bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide emotional balance and truth for the highest good of all.


PsyChakra™ Heart Bracelet is hand-made with rose quartz and amazonite. Rose quartz is linked to the true essence of love. The mental health benefits are instilling empathy, self-trust, self-worth and healing deprivation. Amazonite is linked to the balance of feminine and masculine energy. The mental health benefits are soothing emotional trauma and alleviating worry, fear and aggravation. PsyChakra™ Heart bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide unconditional love and balanced feminine and masculine energy for the highest good of all.


PsyChakra™ Solar Plexus Bracelet is hand-made with citrine and malachite. Citrine is linked to being the “aura protector”. The mental health benefits are raising self-esteem and self-confidence and removes destructive tendencies. Malachite is linked to activating your chakras and attuning spiritual guidance. The mental health benefits are breaking negative patterns and alleviates mental disturbances. PsyChakra™ Solar Plexus bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide high self-esteem, self-confidence and spiritual guidance for the highest good of all.


PsyChakra™ Sacral Bracelet is hand-made with sunstone and moonstone. Sunstone is linked to removing codependency. The mental health benefits are dispelling dark moods and instilling independence and self-empowerment. Moonstone is linked to new beginnings. The mental health benefits are soothing emotional instability, stress and stabilizing emotions. For women, it can help with calming your menstrual cramps and cycle. PsyChakra™ Sacral bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide independence, self-empowerment and emotional stability for the highest good of all.


PsyChakra™ Root Bracelet is hand-made with tiger’s eye and black tourmaline. Tiger’s eye is linked to grounding. The mental health benefits are resolving dilemma internal conflict and being prideful. Additionally, it helps with issues of self-worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity. Black tourmaline is linked to you diminishing your fears. The mental health benefits are helping with paranoia, releasing mental and physical tension and supporting tolerance and prosperity. PsyChakra™ Root bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide bravery, grounding, clarity and prosperity for the highest good of all.


PsyChakra™ Alignment Bracelet is hand-made with amethyst, lapis lazuli, sodalite, amazonite, citrine, sunstone and tiger's eye. Amethyst is linked to spiritual awareness. Lapis lazuli is linked to facilitating your spiritual journey and stimulating your spiritual power and intuition. Sodalite is linked to facilitating balance, truth and intuitive perception. Amazonite is linked to the balance of feminine and masculine energy. Citrine is linked to being the “aura protector”. Sunstone is linked to removing codependency. Tiger’s eye is linked to grounding.The mental health benefits are instilling emotional balance and alignment. PsyChakra™ Alignment bracelet is sealed with a prayer and commanded to provide true mental, physical and spiritual alignment for the highest good of all.

Parents & Kid PsyChakra™ Bracelets


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